How Ancient Rome and its enemies financed their armies with Michael Taylor

Michael Taylor is an assistant professor of history and holds a PhD in Greek and Roman history. He has also served as an officer in the California National Guard, with deployments to Iraq and Kosovo. He recently wrote a book on the finances of the Roman Republic and rival kingdoms and how they supported their military forces. Soldiers & Silver (University of Texas Press, 2020)

Tags: Books, audio interviews, author, academic, videos, University of Texas Press, Ancient history, Ancient war,

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Ancient and Medieval Military History Books released March 2021

Ancient and Medieval Military History Books released March 2021

All the interesting hardcover ancient and medieval military history books released March 2021 that I could find



Above – War on the Eve of Nations: Conflicts and Militaries in Eastern Europe, 1450–1500


Above – Charles V, Prince Philip and the Politics of Succession: Imperial Festivities in Mons and Hainault, 1549 (European Festival Studies: 1450-1700)


Above – Legacies of the Crusades: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, Odense, 27 June – 1 … Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East)

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How the ancient Persians managed to create and hold a vast empire with Sean Manning

Sean Manning Persian Empire War

How the ancient Persians managed to create and hold a vast empire with Sean Manning

Check out this book here

Interview Timeline

Dr. Sean Manning has studied the ancient Persians and their way of war for years and wrote his PhD thesis on the subject. He released a book on the subject and we talked about Persian warfare and government especially in relation to the Greeks. Armed Force in the Teispid-Achaemenid Empire: Past Approaches, Future Prospects (Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden gmbh, 2020)

Sofia Loden discusses Sweden and French knightly romances

James Miller discusses JPL unmanned missions

1:06 – Sean talks about Cyrus the Great and Alexander the Great.

2:39 – Sean talks about how he got into ancient studies.

3:30 – Sean talks about how ancient Persian has been studied in the past.

7:43 – Sean talks about how ancient armies were formed.

13:32 – Sean talks about the chronology of conquest.

14:40 – Sean talks about how this small group created an empire.

17:45 – Sean talks about how this empire was able to fight in some many different terrains.

19:47 – Sean talks about how these armies fed themselves.

22:27 – Sean talks about where resources were found in this area.

24:38 – Sean talks about trade routes in the area.

26:50 – Sean talks about languages in this area.

29:19 – Sean talks about language in militaries.

33:00 – Sean talks about the system of conscription in use with these militaries and the ordinary soldiers.

37:02 – Sean talks about the long term history of this period.

38:25 – Sean talks about military footwear.

40:44 – Sean talks about his resources.

46:56 – Sean talks about ancient Persian historians.

49:49 – Sean talks about modern researchers repeating incorrect military narratives from the past.

51:42 – Sean talks about wanting more information about ancient chronology.

54:02 – Sean talks about the ordinary people in these ancient empires.

56:19 – Sean talks about who was placed in charge of smaller kingdoms.

1:04:15 – Sean talks about where his sample chapter is located and where to find his work on line.

1:07:15 – Sean has a website at at

Links of interest

Free book sample: the free sample chapter / Probekapitel is the grey button in the upper left

Dissertation on which the book was based

Sofia Loden discusses Sweden and French knightly romances

James Miller discusses JPL unmanned missions

Contact Information

For more “Military History Inside Out” please follow me at, on Facebook at warscholar, on twitter at Warscholar, on youtube at warscholar and on Instagram @crisalvarezwarscholar. Or subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify Please see for a list of my dozen or so blogs and podcasts. You’re sure to find something you like.

Guests: Sean Manning

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: Books, audio interviews, author, academic, podcast, Franz Steiner Verlag, Ancient war,

Check out this book here

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