What was life like with the US cavalry and the Buffalo soldiers with John Langellier

John P. Langellier has written numerous studies of the technical aspects of the US Army in the Old West. He recently wrote a book on the personal history of a US cavalry Buffalo Soldier officer Powhatan Clarke titled Scouting with the Buffalo Soldiers. We spoke about Lt Clarke, the Buffalo Soldiers, the German military, West Point, Frederic Remington, Apache scouts, and numerous other Old West topics. Scouting with the Buffalo Soldiers (University of North Texas Press, 2020)  This is the youtube version of a previously posted podcast.

Tags: Books, audio interviews, author, videos, University of North Texas Press, American history, Early American Wars, 19th century war, United States, Germany, native american, indigenous peoples,

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Military History news roundup March 29, 2021

Multiple granaries that fed Roman troops in Britain found #MHIOAncient #Romanhistory


Beheaded owl found in Iron Age warrior grave #MHIOMedieval #IronAge https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1414971/archaeology-news-scandinavia-valsgarde-beheaded-owl-warrior-graves-evg

Knife-wielding spider god mural found in Peru #MHIOAncient #Peru https://news.artnet.com/art-world/peru-temple-mural-spider-god-1955029

Analysis of the Arch of Constantine #MHIOAncient #Constantine https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-roman-archaeology/article/abs/reconsidering-the-frieze-on-the-arch-of-constantine/E143B2262185A92119E3D6AD216FDCE1

Huge Bronze Age cemetery and fortress found in Poland #MHIOAncient #fort https://www.livescience.com/ancient-cemetery-fortress-discovered-poland.html

Analysis of Iron Age warrior burials #MHIOMedieval #IronAge https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/duvet-0015106

Maryland 17th century fort site found #MHIOMusketAgeWars #Maryland #fort https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/archaeologists-unearth-remains-387-year-old-colonial-fort-maryland-rcna515

AI and satellite imagery used to detect sub-surface sites #MHIOArchaeology #archaeology https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2021-03/iidt-aas032621.php

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