- La crise financière de 2008 et les relations de travail dans le transport aérien : le cas d’Air Canada
- The “Unusual” Suspect—Race, Class, and Crime: A Critical Discourse Case Study of Nova Scotia’s Mass Casualty Event
- Worldviews of Employment in Coast Salish Communities
- Quebecois Laïcité and Its Canadian Multicultural Other in the Debates Surrounding Law 21
- Regulating Restraint: Legal Oversight of Seclusion in Canadian Forensic Psychiatric Hospitals
- Interweaving Jurisdictions: A Critical Examination of Legal Authority, Sentencing, and Deportation
- Prosecuting Overdose: Manslaughter Charges Against People Who Use, Share, and Sell Drugs in Canada
- Four Unruly Women: Stories of Incarceration and Resistance from Canada’s Most Notorious Prison by Ted McCoy (review)
- Wactenamakanicic e opikihakaniwitc : L’adoption coutumière chez les Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok de Manawan by Waseskinokwe Eva Ottawa (review)
- La vie du pluralisme juridique by Ghislain Otis, Jean Leclair et Sophie Thériault (review)
- Unthinkable, Thinkable, and Back Again: The Use of Incarceration in Ontario during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Unthinkable, Thinkable, and Back Again: The Use of Incarceration in Ontario during the COVID-19 Pandemic– ERRATUM
- Book Reviews / Recensions de livres (April/avril 2010)
- Unveiling the Digital Underworld – Exploring Cyberbanging and Recruitment of Canadian Street Gang Members on Social Media
- Statistician’s Blues: A Methodological Critique of Measuring the Association between Police and Crime
- The Governance of Cybercrime: An Ecological Approach
- Taking Seriousness Seriously: Revisiting Gender Symmetry and Mutual Violence in Intimate Partner Violence through Role Types in Intimate Partner Violence Events Reported to the Police
- Do Adverse Childhood Experiences Impact Adult Emotional Regulation and Interpersonal Functioning among Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offences? Implications for Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention
- Bad Religion and Bad Business: The History of the Canadian Witchcraft Provision
- Reasonable Bail or Bail at All Costs? Defence Counsel Perspectives on a Coercive Environment
- Vulnerability of Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Migrants in Toronto
- Misunderstandings and Intentional Misrepresentations: Challenging the Continued Framing of Consensual and Nonconsensual Intimate Image Distribution as Child Pornography
- Le droit. Une forme du lien social by Pierre Noreau (review)
- How enforcement shapes compliance with legal rules: the case of long-term care homes in Ontario
- Le droit à l’expression sexuelle chez les personnes âgées vivant en milieu d’hébergement : comment concilier le consentement et les troubles neurocognitifs?
- L’éthique et l’éthos de la profession chez les avocats en droit criminel et en droit social
- Le recours aux modes alternatifs de règlement des conflits : une exploration au prisme d’une analyse des coûts humains et financiers de la justice
- Religious Diversity in Canadian Public Schools: Rethinking the Role of Law by Dia Dabby (review)
- “Screaming into the Void”: Canadians’ Experiences Reporting Identity Theft
- What Is Informal Social Control? A Concept Consensus Review of Recent Criminological Literature
- Recensions de Livres (en langue française) – Janvier 2024
- Developmental and Psychological Profile of Men Who Have Committed Sadistic Sexual Aggression against Women
- DNA Databanks as a Source of Information about the Criminal Behavior of Individuals Who Have Been Linked to Crimes but Not Identified by Police
- Une véritable justice équitable, décolonisée, par et pour les peuples autochtones by Pierre Rousseau (review)
- No Refuge: Ethics and the Global Refugee Crisis by Serena Parekh (review)
- Law’s Documents: Authority, Materiality, Aesthetics ed. by Katherine Biber, Priya Vaughan and Trish Luker (review)
- A Digital Space of One’s Own: Rethinking Children’s Online Privacy
- “Are Canadian Street Cops Outgunned?”: The Debate over Police Handguns in the 1990s
- Constructing Risk through Jurisdictional Talk: The Ontario Review Board Process under Part XX.1 of the Criminal Code
- The Person and the Mirror: On the Colonial Force of Corporate Law
- Smooth Operators, Predictable Glitches: The Interface Governance of Benefits and Borders
- Governing Risk Through Forced Confinement: Clawback of Pre-Pandemic Reforms
- Accès à la justice et inclusion numérique : au-delà des enjeux technologiques
- Canadian Policing: Why and How It Must Change by Kent Roach (review)
- Hors la loi: Théorie de l’anarchie juridique by Laurent de Sutter (review)
- Pour elles toutes – Femmes contre la prison by Gwenola Ricordeau (review)
- Prosecuting and Propagating Emotional Harm: The Criminalisation of HIV Nondisclosure in Canada
- The Law Multiple: Judgement and Knowledge in Practice by Irene Van Oorschot (review)
- Extracting Profits: State Regulation and the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise
- Political Influence in the Regulation of Chinese Charitable Trusts
- Surveiller sans punir : la place du droit dans la prévention des risques professionnels
- Crisis, Colonialism and Constitutional Habits: Indigenous jurisdiction in times of emergency
- Secular Court-Ordered Divorces: What Modern Fatāwā and Canadian Imams Say