- An Overview of Indigenous Economies within Canada
- End of the Line: The Effects of Large Passenger Rail Cuts on Local Economic Outcomes
- How Municipal Actors Leverage Evidence to Support Urban Planning: Perspectives from the City of Regina
- French Immersion and Labour Market Earnings
- Macau in the Second World War, 1937–1945: Diplomacy, Politics and Society by Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo (review)
- Bureaucratic Informal Rules and State Infrastructural Power: Local Governments' Informal Land Administration in China
- Triadic Interactions and Exchanges: Cross-Strait Mazu Worship and Tourism in Post-Handover Macau, China
- Law and Order: The Political Power and Constraints of Labor Governance in China's Platform Economy
- Urbanization, Ethnic Diversity, and the Risk of Violence: A Case Study of China's Western Frontier
- Institutional Centralization: Adaptation of Party and Government in China, 2012–Present
- The Populist Prince: Returning to Charles's Vision of Britain
- The New Militancy: Memory Culture and the Politics of Implication from Ukraine, through Kassel, to Gaza
- The Decline of Innovation and the Rise of Contribution
- "At the Beginning, It Was All Intuition, Theory Came After"
- Memory Capture from "De-communization" to "Decolonization": Tarik Cyril Amar on the Russia-Ukraine War, in Conversation with Tania Roy
- Do You Hear the People's Nonsense? Performing Resistance in Pandemic-Era China
- The Conspiracy to End All Conspiracies
- The Queer Erotics of Visceral Prosthetic Connections
- New Currencies or the Persistence of Representation: What's Left after documenta fifteen?
- Vortex: Artistic and Curatorial Practices for Wind
- Against Inevitability: Genre and Crisis in Palestine/Israel
- The Irreparable Harms of Oil
- The Southern City as Urban Lab
- All National History Is Grotesquely Broken
- The Production of Wounded Attachment: Reactionary Sentiment in Post-2016 Turkey
- Unfamiliarity and Familiarity in the Bauman Archive
- Mysticism and the Postanarchist Symbolic
- Loss and the Production of Community Archives
- Cultural Politics: The Next Twenty Years
- Xyloid Sexuality: Dismantling the Human in Wangechi Mutu's Arboreal Collages
- Digital Archives as Resisting Displacement
- Dispatches: A Postcard Project by M HKA for the Kyiv Biennial 2023
- Unfamiliar Archives: A Roundtable on Estrangement, Secrets, and Loss
- Archives beyond the Human
- The Great Rise … and Then the Great Fall: Toronto Police Service's Enforcement of the Ontario Safe Streets Act, 2000–2022
- What Proportion of Tax Returns Could the Canada Revenue Agency Complete?
- A Basic Income for Nunavut: Addressing Poverty in Canada's North
- Are Canadian Voting System Reform "Trade-Offs" Really Trade-Offs? Operationalizing Voting System Values and Assessing the Evidence
- Examining the Stability and Durability of Child Care Arrangements during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada
- Social Credit "in" or "as" the Cage of Regulation of Socialist Legality
- Decolonisation in the Age of Globalisation: Britain, China, and Hong Kong, 1979–89 by Chi-kwan Mark (review)
- Legal and Ritological Dynamics of Personalized "Pillars of Shame" in Chinese Social Credit System Construction
- Disregarding Blameworthiness, Prioritizing Deterrence: China's Social Credit-Based Punishment and the Erosion of Individual Autonomy
- Law and Social Credit in China: An Introduction
- After Autonomy: A Post-Mortem for Hong Kong's first Handover, 1997–2019 by Daniel F. Vukovich (review)
- The Evolving Complex of the Chinese Corporate Tax Credit System and Tax Law
- Debating the Legality of Social Credit Measures in China: A Review of Chinese Legal Scholarship
- Building a High-Trust Society: Lineage, Logic, and Limitations of China's Social Credit System
- From Financial Supervision to Morality Construction: Political Narratives of the Social Credit System Policy Process
- Exploiting Ethnic and Religious Separatism as a Tool: U.S. Policy in Xinjiang during the Early Cold War
- Governing China in Digit: A Framework for Assessing the Development of Digital Government in 101 Chinese Municipalities
- Cultures Colliding: American Missionaries, Chinese Resistance, and the Rise of Modern Institutions in China by John R. Haddad (review)
- The Weakness of Infancy
- The Art of Being Posthuman
- Spectral Scars of the Violent Pasts
- Why Look at Toy Animals? Play, Protopolitics, and the Postnatural
- The "Politics of the Faceless": Proliferated Drone's-Eye Views of Forced Migration
- All In: Derivative and Financialization in Sports Betting
- Camouflaging Electromagnetic Networks as Techno-Habitats for Humans, Plants, Animals, and Machines
- The Condemnation of Hate and the Violence of the Status Quo
- "They Can Never Take It Away from You": The Optimistic Cruelty of Student Loan Indebtedness
- Prefigurative Politics at Bread and Puppet Theater
- Following the Fish: An Exhibition, a Collection of Conversations, a Call to Action
- A Multispecies Red-Light District for Amsterdam: A Propositional Image
- Planetary Stories before and after Geoengineering
- Posthumous Sound and the General Imagination
- Assessing Labour Market Conditions in Canada with Public-Use Microdata
- An Integrative Institutional Framework of the Canada–US Business Performance Gap
- Les préférences des Québécois envers la redistribution : L'exception canadienne?
- Equity Challenges in Canada's Old Age Security Pension: Income Eligibility and Cost of Living Considerations
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Physician Labour Market Activities
- COVID-19 and the Mental Health of Adolescents in British Columbia
- Family Business Online and Offline: Gender Inequalities and Regional Disparities in China
- Principles and Laws in World Politics: Classical Chinese Perspectives on Global Conflict by Walter Lee (review)
- The Speculative Hukou Conversion of Rural Migrants in China
- Bring SOEs Back for Technological Catch-Up: COMAC and China’s Commercial Aircraft Industry
- Regulatory Pathways of Renewable Energy Integration in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
- Hong Kong as a Center of International and Regional Aviation in the GBA Initiative
- Legal and Regulatory Harmonization in the Greater Bay Area
- Proof-of-Foreign Law Issues in Greater Bay Area
- Conceptualizing Greater Bay Area Law and Legal Culture
- Exploring the Landscape of Canadian Climate Policy
- (Re)examining the Canadian Health Care System through an Equity Lens
- Reintegrating Money into Monetary Policy
- Will the Increased Investment in Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada Pay off? It Depends!
- Paths to Permanence: Permit Categories and Earnings Trajectories of Workers in Canada’s International Mobility Program
- Policies for Other People: Reflections from an Economist on Research and Federal Policy Regarding Indigenous Nations in Canada after 1975
- A Half-Century of Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques: Early Ambitions and Evolution with Specific Reference to Income Security Research
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Public Policy Research, and Fiscal Federalism in Canada: Bringing Together Economics, Law, and Political Science