- The Rise and Fall of an Officer Corps: The Republic of China Military, 1942–1955 by Eric Setzekorn (review)
- Managing Sex in the U.S. Military: Gender, Identity, and Behavior ed. by Beth Bailey et al (review)
- The Eagle, Fouled Anchor, and 13 Stars: A History of the Marine Corps’ Oldest Emblem
- Washington’s Marines: The Origins of the Corps and the American Revolution, 1775–1777 by Jason Q. Bohm (review)
- Afghanistan: A Military History from the Ancient Empires to the Great Game by Ali Ahmad Jalali (review)
- My Darling Boys: A Family at War, 1941–1947 by Fred H. Allison (review)
- The Virtuous Wehrmacht: Crafting the Myth of the German Soldier on the Eastern Front, 1941–1944 by David A. Harrisville (review)
- Clear, Hold, and Destroy: Pacification in Phú Yên and the American War in Vietnam by Robert J. Thompson III (review)
- Life in Jefferson Davis’ Navy by Barbara Brooks Tomblin (review)
- The Atomic Crucible: Forging Tactics in the Shadow of the Bomb
- The Legacy of World War II Cryptologist Alva B. Lasswell
- Fidelis: A Memoir by Teresa Fazio (review)
- How to Fight a War by Mike Martin (review)
- The Pen and the Sword: The U.S. Naval Institute, 1873–2023 by A. Denis Clift (review)
- Fires from the Shore: Supporting the Fight for Sea Control
- Reconnaissance-Strike Tactics, Defeat Mechanisms, and the Future of Amphibious Warfare
- Maritime Militias: Disrupting Naval Operations in the Pacific Theater and the Case for Intermediate Force Capabilities in the Maritime Domain
- Houthi Motivations Driving the Red Sea Crisis: Understanding How Ansar Allah's Strategic Culture Goes beyond Gaza and Iran
- Selecting San Carlos: The Falklands War, 1982
- What It Means to Be a Man: How to Become a Better Person by Major General Bill Mullen (review)
- The Nuclear Club: How America and the World Policed the Atom from Hiroshima to Vietnam by Jonathan R. Hunt (review)
- Land Power in the Littoral: An Australian Army Perspective
- China's "Second Battlefield": Political Warfare in Combat Operations
- Rescuing the Unreachable: Personnel Recovery and Resupply in a Contested A2/AD Environment
- Spymaster's Prism: The Fight against Russian Aggression by Jack Devine (review)
- Bringing Clarity to Stand-in Forces: How Operational Art and Science Provide the Linkage between Stand-in Forces, Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations, and Reconnaissance/Counterreconnaissance Operations
- Oceans Are Now Battlefields: How the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Can Counter North Korea's Navy in an Evolving Age
- Escaping the Deadly Embrace: How Encirclement Causes Major Wars by Andrea Bartoletti (review)
- New Principles of War: Enduring Truths with Timeless Examples by Marvin Pokrant (review)
- Call Out the Cadets: The Battle of New Market, May 15, 1864 by Sarah Kay Bierle (review)
- Finding the Gaps: Littoral Obstacles during Operation Galvanic
- Marine Air-Ground Task Forces in Military Operations Other than War, 1990s
- To Master the Boundless Sea: The U.S. Navy, the Marine Environment, and the Cartography of Empire by Jason W. Smith (review)
- The Sailor’s Bookshelf: Fifty Books to Know the Sea by Admiral James Stavridis (review)
- On Wellington: A Critique of Waterloo by Carl von Clausewitz (review)
- Victory at Sea: Naval Power and the Transformation of the Global Order in World War II by Paul Kennedy (review)
- Remembrances of Commandant General Alfred M. Gray Jr.
- At the Dawn of Airpower: The U.S. Army, Navy, and the Marine Corps’ Approach to the Airplane, 1907–1917 by Laurence M. Burke II (review)
- U.S. Go Home: The U.S. Military in France, 1945 to 1968 by M. David Egan and Jean Egan (review)
- Autumn of Our Discontent: Fall 1949 and the Crises in American National Security by John M. Curatola (review)
- Pacific Conquest: The Marine Corps’ Role in the U.S. Acquisition of Guam
- Mavericks of War: The Unconventional, Unorthodox Innovators and Thinkers, Scholars, and Outsiders Who Mastered the Art of War by Jason S. Ridler (review)
- Containing History: How Cold War History Explains US-Russia Relations by Stephen P. Friot (review)
- Keeping the Peace: Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 251 during the Cold War 1946–1991 by Steven K. Dixon (review)
- From the Editors
- Command: How the Allies Learned to Win the Second World War by Al Murray (review)
- The U.S. and the War in the Pacific, 1941–45 by Sandra Wilson (review)
- Lincoln Takes Command: The Campaign to Seize Norfolk and the Destruction of the CSS Virginia by Steve Norder, and: Kill Jeff Davis: The Union Raid on Richmond, 1864 by Bruce M. Venter, and: Appomattox 1865: Lee’s Last Campaign by Ron Field (review)
- General Alfred M. Gray Jr. Usmc (Ret), 29th Commandant of the Marine Corps 22 June 1928–20 March 2024
- Charles R. “Rich” Smith: 2 October 1943–6 January 2024
- The Void Above: The Future of Space Warfare and a Call to Update the Rule of International Space Law
- Special Reconnaissance and Advanced Small Unit Patrolling: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Special Operations Forces by LtCol Ed Wolcoff (Ret) (review)
- The Soviet Sputniks and American Fears about the Militarization of Outer Space
- Maoism: A Global History By Julia Lovell (review)
- Marine Corps and Space Force Integration for a More Lethal Joint Task Force to Counter China
- The Culture of Military Organizations ed. by Peter R. Mansoor and Williamson Murray (review)
- A Call for Space-Domain Intelligence Training
- Kim Jong United: How a Future North Korean ASAT Threat Makes Strange International Bedfellows and Novel Opportunity
- Breaking the Newtonian Fetish: Conceptualizing War Differently for a Changing World
- Space Technology and Its Military Application: Options for Pakistan
- Military Spacesteading: Space-based Logistics Mediums for Future Beachheads
- The Sky Is Not the Limit: The Unknowable Future of Space
- Bitskrieg: The New Challenge of Cyberwarfare by John Arquilla (review)
- Characterizing Future Authoritarian Governance in the Space Domain
- Right and Wronged in International Relations: Evolutionary Ethics, Moral Revolutions, and the Nature of Power Politics by Brian C. Rathbun (review)
- Capturing Aguinaldo: The Daring Raid to Seize the Philippine President at the Dawn of the American Century by Dwight Sullivan (review)
- Intelligence and the State: Analysts and Decision Makers by Jonathan M. House (review)
- Women, Peace, & Security in Professional Military Education ed. by Lauren Mackenzie, PhD; and LtCol Dana Perkins, PhD (review)
- To Risk It All: Nine Conflicts and the Crucible of Decision by Admiral James Stavridis (review)
- Russian Practices of Governance in Eurasia: Frontier Power Dynamics, Sixteenth Century to Nineteenth Century by Gulnar T. Kendirbai (review)
- The Combat Soldier: Infantry Tactics and Cohesion in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries by Anthony King (review)
- The Islamic State in Africa: The Emergence, Evolution, and Future of the Next Jihadist Battlefront by Jason Warner et al. (review)
- The Ledger: Accounting for Failure in Afghanistan by David Kilcullen and Greg Mills (review)
- The Third Option: Covert Action and American Foreign Policy by Loch K. Johnson (review)
- The Trillion Dollar War: The U.S. Effort to Rebuild Afghanistan, 1999–2021 by Abid Amiri (review)
- Managing Sex in the U.S. Military: Gender, Identity, and Behavior by Beth Bailey et al. (review)
- Power & Complacency: American Survival in an Age of International Competition by Phillip T. Lohaus (review)
- Substitute to War: Questioning the Efficacy of Sanctions on Russia
- The Cold War Computer Arms Race
- The Russian Bloodletting Strategy in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War: From Success to Hubris
- Intelligence in the National Security Enterprise: An Introduction by Roger Z. George (review)
- Dying to Learn: Wartime Lessons from the Western Front by Michael A. Hunzeker (review)
- From the Editor
- The Ethical Character of Russia's Offensive Cyber Operations in Ukraine: Testing the Principle of Double Effect
- Plan Z: Reassessing Security-Based Accounts of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
- Russia's War in Ukraine: Two Decisive Factors
- Tackling Russian Gray Zone Approaches in the Post-Cold War Era
- Revisiting the Global Posture Review: A New U.S. Approach to European Defense and NATO in a Post-Ukraine War World
- The Devil's Advocate: An Argument for Moldova and Ukraine to Seize Transnistria
- Russia's Nuclear Strategy: Changes or Continuities
- Enemy at the Gates: A Strategic Cultural Analysis of Russian Approaches to Conflict in the Information Domain
- Index to Volume 73
- The Forever War (review)
- More like a Painting – The War: A Ken Burns Film: An Interview with Roger Spiller
- Recent Journal Articles
- How World Politics Is Made: France and the Reunification of Germany (review)
- The Road to Safwan: The 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry in the 1991 Persian Gulf War (review)
- Counterinsurgency and the Global War on Terror: Military Culture and Irregular War (review)
- Letters to the Editor
- Navy Medicine in Vietnam: Oral Histories from Dien Bien Phu to the Fall of Saigon (review)
- Military Transformation Past and Present: Historic Lessons for the 21st Century (review)
- The USS Puffer in World War II: A History of the Submarine and Its Wartime Crew (review)
- The United States and the Making of Modern Greece: History and Power, 1950–1974 (review)
- History of Operations Research in the United States Army, Volume II: 1961–1973 (review)
- Internet Alley: High Technology in Tysons Corner, 1945–2005 (review)
- The Atomic Bomb and American Society: New Perspectives (review)
- Iraq’s Armed Forces: An Analytical History (review)
- Diplomats in Blue: U.S. Naval Officers in China, 1922–1933 (review)
- The Palestinian Military: Between Militias and Armies (review)
- Intelligence and Anglo-American Air Support in World War Two: The Western Desert and Tunisia, 1940–43 (review)
- Dowding of Fighter Command: Victor of the Battle of Britain (review)
- D-Day in the Pacific: The Battle of Saipan (review)
- The Ethiopian Revolution: War in the Horn of Africa (review)
- Andean Tragedy: Fighting the War of the Pacific, 1879–1884 (review)
- Network-Centric Warfare: How Navies Learned to Fight Smarter through Three World Wars (review)
- Restaging War in the Western World: Noncombatant Experiences, 1890–Today (review)
- Through the Maelstrom: A Red Army Soldier’s War on the Eastern Front (review)
- Naval Warfare, 1919–1945: An Operational History of the Volatile War at Sea (review)
- Treating Trauma of the Great War: Soldiers, Civilians and Psychiatry in France, 1914–1940 (review)
- The Last Great War: British Society and the First World War (review)
- The Bloody Triangle: The Defeat of Soviet Armor in the Ukraine, June 1941 (review)
- Crusaders and Settlers in the Latin East (review)
- The Black Hawk War of 1832, and: Inkpaduta: Dakota Leader (review)
- The Development of British Naval Thinking: Essays in Memory of Bryan Ranft (review)
- Enduring the Great War: Combat, Morale and Collapse in the German and British Armies, 1914–1918 (review)
- Grant’s Lieutenants: From Cairo to Vicksburg, and: Grant’s Lieutenants: From Chattanooga to Appomattox (review)
- The Ottoman Road to War in 1914: The Ottoman Empire and the First World War (review)
- At the Sharp End: Canadians Fighting the Great War 1914–1916, Volume One, and: Shock Troops: Canadians Fighting the Great War 1917–1918, Volume Two (review)
- Military Intelligence and the Arab Revolt: The First Modern Intelligence War (review)
- War and Disease: Biomedical Research on Malaria in the Twentieth Century (review)
- Manila and Santiago: The New Steel Navy in the Spanish-American War (review)
- The H. L. Hunley: The Secret Hope of the Confederacy (review)
- Commanding Lincoln’s Navy: Union Naval Leadership During the Civil War (review)
- West Wind Clear: Cryptology and the Winds Message Controversy–A Documentary History. United States Cryptologic History Series IV: World War II Volume X (review)
- Our Trust is in the God of Battles: The Civil War Letters of Robert Franklin Bunting, Chaplain, Terry’s Texas Rangers, C. S. A (review)
- Custer and the Front Royal Executions of 1864 (review)
- Doctrine and Reform in the British Cavalry, 1880–1918 (review)
- Class and Race in the Frontier Army: Military Life in the West, 1870–1890 (review)
- Borrowed Soldiers: Americans Under British Command, 1918 (review)
- “Too Grievous for a People to Bear”: Impressment and Conscription in Revolutionary North Carolina
- The Long Ride of Major von Schill: A Journey through German History and Memory (review)
- The Mexican Wars of Independence (review)
- The Press Gang: Naval Impressment and its Opponents in Georgian Britain (review)
- Rise and Fight Again: The Life of Nathanael Greene (review)
- Cold War Pressures, Regional Strategies, and Relative Decline: British Military and Strategic Planning for Cyprus, 1950–1960
- The Eye of Command (review)
- “Bad Boys”: Infiltration and Sedition in the African Military Units of the Central African Federation (Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe) 1953–63
- The Thirty Years War: A Documentary History (review)
- The Red Queen’s Race: Operation Washington Green and Pacification in Binh Dinh Province, 1969–70
- How Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth Century (review)
- The Eritrean Long March: The Strategic Withdrawal of the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), 1978–1979
- A Rabble in Arms: Massachusetts Towns and Militiamen during King Philip’s War (review)
- Confederate Military Strategy in the U.S. Civil War Revisited
- Propaganda e información en tiempos de guerra: España y América (1700–1714) (review)
- Renaissance France at War: Armies, Culture and Society, c. 1480–1560 (review)
- Shipping and Military Power in the Seven Years War: The Sails of Victory (review)
- The Road to Rocroi: Class, Culture and Command in the Spanish Army of Flanders, 1567–1659 (review)
- If Mahan Ran the Great Pacific War: An Analysis of World War II Naval Strategy (review)
- The Making of Peace: Rulers, States, and the Aftermath of War (review)
- Military Culture in Imperial China (review)
- Jerusalem’s Traitor: Josephus, Masada, and the Fall of Judea (review)
- Belisarius, The Last Roman General (review)
- The British War Chariot: A Case for Indirect Warfare
- Battlefronts Real and Imagined: War, Border, and Identity in the Chinese Middle Period (review)
- The Annales School and the History of War
- The Serf, the Knight, and the Historian (review)
- Calais: An English Town in France, 1347–1558, and: The Calais Garrison: War and Military Service in England, 1436–1558 (review)
- A Question of Authority: Reassessing the March-Pershing “Feud” in the First World War
- The Occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878 (review)
- COVID-19 in Perspective: A Witness Seminar
- Ottawa’s Burden: Fort Churchill and Military Nursing in Northern Canada, 1945–1975
- Building Schools, Making Doctors: Architecture and the Modern American Physician by Katherine L. Carroll (review)
- The World of Girolamo Donzellini: A Network of Heterodox Physicians in Sixteenth-Century Venice by Alessandra Celati (review)
- Technologies, professions de santé et réformes publiques : les projets professionnels des techniciens ambulanciers paramédics et des inhalothérapeutes au Québec, 1990–2022
- Blind in Early Modern Japan : Disability, Medicine, and Identity par Tan Wei Yu Wayne (review)
- Cinema Van, propagande et résistance en Afrique coloniale (1930–1960) par Vincent Bouchard (review)
- Transforming Medical Education: Historical Case Studies of Teaching, Learning, and Belonging in Medicine ed. by Delia Gavrus and Susan Lamb (review)
- Le spéculum, la canule et le miroir : avorter au MLAC, une histoire entre féminisme et médecine par Lucile Ruault (review)
- Physical Therapy Comes to British Columbia, Canada: Modernity, Movement, and the Press for the Professional Regulation of Purposive Exercise in the Early 20th Century