How murder and violence permeated Ancient Roman society, politics, and and military affairs – Interview with Emma Southon

Dr. Emma Southon holds a doctorate in ancient history and is the author of Marriage, Sex and Death: the Family and the Fall of Rome and Agrippina. She recently released a new book on murder and violence in Ancient Rome. We spoke about Caesar’s killing, gladiator combat, solider land allotments, and political paramilitary forces of Rome. A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Murder in Ancient Rome (Abrams Books, 2021)

Tags: Books, audio interviews, author, videos, Abrams Press, Ancient history, Ancient war, history of crime,

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How the OSS supported Yugoslav independence movements in WWII – Interview with Blaz Torkar

Blaž Torkar is an assistant professor of history at the Military Schools Centre of the Slovenian Armed forces. He researches the history of intelligence services, Allied military missions in Yugoslavia during WWII, the Yugoslav People’s Army and Territorial Defense, and the Slovenian War of Independence in 1991. He wrote a book on the OSS in Yugoslavia during WWII and we spoke about the book, the OSS, and Yugoslavian resistance movements. Mission Yugoslavia (McFarland, 2020)


Tags: Books, audio interviews, author, academic, videos, McFarland, Espionage, WWII, United States, Germany, Russia, Britain,

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How a major Vietnam battle was hidden from the public for decades with Ed Sherwood

Ed Sherwood led an infantry platoon at Tam Ky in Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry, fighting with the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and was wounded in action on June 2, 1969. He served as an infantry officer until retiring from active duty as a Lieutenant Colonel. He wrote a book about the battle he was a part of and we spoke about the war, the book, and the battle. Courage Under Fire: The 101st Airborne’s Hidden Battle at Tam Ky (Casemate, 2021)

Tags: Books, audio interviews, author, videos, Casemate, American history, Modern War, United States, Vietnam, Vietnam War,

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